April 20, 2020 Amanda

Is Teaching For Me?

Teach spelled out in word blocks.

There are times where I still ask myself this question. If I was going into teaching now, I would definitely have a different perspective! It is not what I thought it was going to be, but I have invested so much of myself into this profession (passion, time and student loans) to just walk away. Plus… I love it!!!! Call me crazy, but I loved going to work everyday just to see what one of my students was going to do or say on any given day. They truly keep you on your toes and entertained if nothing else!

However, you really have to have thick skin for this job. Especially with everything that comes at you on a daily basis; between students, parents, administration, colleagues, etc. You never know what was going to walk through your door or the next ball that was going to drop. No day is ever the same, but I liked that, for me that was a challenge that I enjoyed. If I had to sit at a desk from 9-5 each day,  I am pretty sure I would lose my marbles!!!

Most if not all teachers will have that moment when your students embarrass you, and trust me it will happen! One day things are going great, your lesson is going well, and students are engaged! You point to a specific section on the board for them to make note of an important piece of the lesson and all of a sudden a student raises their hand. You call on them enthusiastically to answer the question that they have and the next thing that comes out of their mouth is…. “Madame you have a hole in your sweater.” Sheer panic! Maybe? Well I did not see that one coming! And yep, low and behold I have a hole in the armpit of my sweater! Younger me would have freaked out, older me said “Oh well! I don’t like to sew!” and “I bet you will remember this lesson!” Mental note to self for wearing this sweater again….. always wear black under this sweater or sew it!(More than likely I will wear a black shirt 😁). 

Not only will there be a day when your students embarrass you, but there will be a day when your students challenge you. Yes, I said challenge you. Nothing like having your intelligence tested by a 15 year old hormonal teenager who’s having a bad day! Therefore trying to make you have a bad day as well…and what if you don’t know the answer? That’s ok! It’s okay to be a teacher and to not know everything! Students will have asked me how to say so many words in French and I don’t know them all or I haven’t used it in soooooo long, I have to dust off the cobwebs in the back of my brain. However, just like I don’t know all the words in English, I do not know all of the words in French. I am a teacher not a walking dictionary or translation device! You can tackle this one of two ways:

  1. You can do it as a class together, and acknowledge that you are not sure of that word and let’s look it up. 
  2. Or you can have them look it up and tell you, (and then let them know that it is correct if you want to make it look like you already knew the word you just wanted them to do the work! 😉). 

Ultimately, the decision if teaching is for you is up to you. If you like a jammed pack day of not knowing what the day is going to bring, do it! Personally, I don’t think I could have picked a better career for myself. It fits me perfectly!!! I like helping others and sharing my love of the French language with students. It is nice to know that I have an impact on the lives of children, especially on the ones I thought couldn’t stand me (and trust me you will know! Until one day that student surprises you with a gorgeous gift you never saw coming, because you truly thought that kid couldn’t stand you!). 

One thing is for sure, being a teacher is full of surprises that you never saw coming….and for that I am grateful.

Thank you so much for visiting my site. Please check back often for new blogs as well as updated materials on my Teachers Pay Teachers store, coming soon!



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