June 22, 2020 Amanda

Teaching On A Cart vs. Teaching In A Classroom

Teaching on a cart or a classroom

As the school year comes to a close, in a very strange way, packing up our rooms will be bittersweet. Next year may also look different and our style of teaching too. Each year will bring new and different challenges, however, as teachers we are always prepared and ready for what a new school year may bring!

One of the many changes could be your classroom. Not only could you be changing classrooms, you could be sharing your classroom or possibly your classroom could become a cart. I am able to say that I have done both of these in multiple schools in two different states! Both have their pros and cons, but I was always able to make the best in both situations. 😁

It was not ideal, but for my very first teaching job, I was on a cart and boy could it make you or break you!  You had to be extremely organized, always have what you needed on the cart for your classes and getting from room to room was a challenge (since I was on multiple floors, in different rooms and racing with the students in the hall during passing time).

For my second teaching job, I had my very own classroom, and it was a lot to undertake! The organization of the classroom, the decorating and finding out the best way to use the space in my classroom. But on the flip side, I always had what I needed in my room and the students came to me. I didn’t have to go to them! (It was a relief to not have to squeeze through the hallways on a cart with hundreds of students.)

So let’s get down to the nitty gritty…which way is best to teach…BOTH!

(*These are from my own personal experiences for likes and dislikes, yours may be different.)

Here is what I liked about being on a cart:

  • It made me extremely organized. I had to have everything with me that I needed to teach for that class.
  • I liked the change of scenery going from room to room, plus I was not responsible for a classroom. (But I always kept the room I was in neater than when I found it.)

Here is what I did not like about being on a cart:

  • I could not set up a room the way I wanted it.
  • You had to use their desk formation or move it back the way it was.
  • I had to be quick to get to the room as well as setting up my procedures and the lesson.
  • Running from room to room, little time to get set up and get my students started. (We all know routine is key!)

Here is what I liked about having my own classroom:

  • The students came to me and I was able to greet them at the door.
  • It was easier to set up for each class with routine and procedures.
  • Everything I needed was in one place.
  • I liked making my classroom cozy and welcoming. (I used lamps for lightening, I had airwicks in my room that matched the seasons and at one point had a couch.)

Here is what I did not like about having my own classroom:

  • It was a lot of work. (Packing and unpacking the room each year, keeping it clean and tidy.)
  • Always finding the best way to set up my classroom for the best experience for my students.
  • Everyone always knew right where to find me…🤣.

Whatever next year may bring, know that you are prepared to face it! Remember half the stuff we have learned or experienced being teachers was NEVER in a textbook! But we always figured it out and solved each of the challenges we faced. 😊

As always, I hope that you have found this advice helpful to you!


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