August 30, 2021 Amanda

Back To School Student Edition

What Our Students Need Most Right Now.

Student Learning Back To School

💜 Be patient. Be kind. Be gracious. 💜

If we think we are going through a lot as educators, so are our students. This past year and half has been just as hard on them if not harder. Their whole worlds got turned upside down in the matter of hours. Over this past year student families possibly could have lost jobs, their homes and worst of all members of their family.

While we as adults have some coping skills and can handle change a little better, they are learning how to do all of that. One thing that I know we can do for all of our students is simply just be there. Being there for them each day they walk into our classrooms. Letting it be a safe and caring place for them where they can forget about the world around them for 45 minutes.

So be patient, be kind and just be there for them. Sometimes that’s all they need. Just a consistent adult in their life knowing that you will be there for them each day.  Remember, one of the main reasons we all went into education was because of the kids. So let’s all make them our priority again. 💜

I hope that all of you are having a safe, healthy and enjoyable start to the new school year!

Check out my TpT Store for any resources you may need for your students to start the year off!

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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