September 27, 2021 Amanda

How To Decide If Teaching Is Right For Me?

How To Decide If Teaching Is Right For Me?

You have always dreamed about being a teacher. You knew early on this was the career for you! You always wanted to work with kids and share your passion for learning. (I knew I wanted to be a teacher in elementary school! I would always play school with my sibling and friends!) You could never see yourself doing any other career…until now.

If you are like me, we are all feeling the burden of teaching over this past year and half. Many of us question why we have stayed, why we continue to show up and why we keep doing what we are doing.

In a nutshell, I feel that teaching is a calling. It takes a special person to do this job and it was placed on our hearts for a reason.

Did I ever think we would be teaching through a pandemic? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But one thing that I have come to find throughout this past year is how resilient we all are and how we have shown up not only for ourselves, our colleagues but especially for our students!

For many of us that is why we continue to stay in our teaching or leadership positions… the students. It has always been about them and always will be.

So let’s all remember why we went into teaching, why we decided to become teachers,  why we give it 110% each day! Those kids, our students, who know we are there for them day in and day out.

So during this crazy time of being a teacher, let’s just show up for our students each day. Giving our best, but also letting them see we are human too. And this past year has been just as hard on us. Remember, when you show who you are and how you feel with students, I truly feel they respect you more and you build better rapport with your students. It’s OK to be human, they appreciate it.

If you want more advice on teaching, take a look at an older post I did on “Is Teaching for me?”.

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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