October 1, 2021 Amanda

Alternative Assessments For Students

Using Projects For Assessments

Using Projects For Assessments

When it comes to giving assessments in class there are always quizzes and tests. Which we know students are probably tired of taking and we are tired of grading! The last thing a student wants to do on a Friday in class is take an assessment…and I am sure it is the last thing as a teacher you want to be grading over the weekend.

What if there was another tool we could use in the classroom to assess students?


Yes, I said projects! Projects are a great way to assess our students’ knowledge while allowing them to be creative and express themselves through the language. This is a time when many of my students who were poor assessment takers would shine! They loved the opportunity to be able to do a great job! (Testing anxiety is real!)

If you want to give a project a try for your students head on over to my TpT Store! I have several projects there for you to try and use with your students.

Family Tree Project:
This is a lesson/project that can be used for students to review and show their expertise about family, vocabulary and grammar in French. Students are to complete the project individually. Students are able to use their own family for reference or students can create their own family by choosing people who are inspirational to them! This lesson will take approximately 5-6 days to complete, depending on the level of your class. There is a written and creative section for this project as well as an oral presentation.
Le Cinéma Projet:
Students are to recreate a scene from their favorite TV show or movie. (*Important: The scene and dialogue must be school appropriate.*) This is a great way to get students to use their French language skills in a fun and creative way! Student groups will present their scenes to the class upon completion.
This lesson will take approximately 3-5 days to complete, depending on the level of your class.
Les Régions De La France Project:
This is a lesson/project that can be used for students to get to know the regions of France. Students are to complete the project individually and then present their project to the class. This is a great way to start off the school year and get students back into the groove with their French.
This lesson will take approximately 5-6 days to complete, depending on the level of your class.
Mon Animal De Fantaisie -Fantasy Animal:
This is a great activity that can be used on Halloween or throughout the year for students to review the verb avoir, body parts, numbers, colors and adjectives. It is a fun and creative way to get students using their French!
Projet D’Émotions:
This is a great activity that can be used to review or practice emotions in French. Students are to create a children’s book in French with illustrations, describing how they feel when doing certain activities.  It is a fun and creative way to get students using their French!

You can find all of these projects for sale individually or all together in my French Projects Bundle if you can’t decide which one to try first!

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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