October 25, 2021 Amanda

That Time Of Year When Students Get Comfortable

How To Stop The Revolving Door

That Time Of Year When Students Get Comfortable How To Stop The Revolving Door

If your classroom is anything like mine, we have hit that comfortable point with each other… which means students are now starting to show their true colors LOL!

Which is good, because we all feel comfortable and safe around one another. But… it is also not so good because this is when students start to test the waters. One way that they like to do this is by making your classroom a revolving door 😠 I know annoying right!?!?!

One trick that I have learned over my many years of teaching is to nip this right in the bud before it begins. But it can be implemented at any time! That’s what is so great about classroom management, rules and procedures. You CAN change them at any time to meet the needs of your students and classroom. (Yes, it is okay to have different rules and procedures for different classes if that is what works!).

One of my classroom resources that I use with all my classes is the Permission de Pipi! This is a great way to keep students in your classroom and not out and about!

Permission de Pipi (Permission to leave the Classroom):
Have you ever felt like your classroom had a revolving door? Well I can say that I have been there and done that! Although we would like to treat our students like the young adults that they are, sometimes they still need that extra guidance and support. We all know what class or classes that maybe 😜. That is when I created the Permission de Pipi. This was a way that I could keep certain classes under control a little better with an incentive for them at the end.
Please make sure this resource aligns with your schools’ policy on restroom/locker use before implementing.)

Need more tips and tricks on classroom management? Take a look at an older blog I wrote on just that!

How To Keep Your Class In Check? Classroom Management Strategies That Work.

This resource along with all my other resources on classroom management are for sale on my TpT store.

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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