December 27, 2021 Amanda

Setting Goals For 2022

End Of Year In Review

Setting Goals 2022

“If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.”


Can you believe 2022 is right around the corner?!?! This quote really got me thinking about my goals and what I wanted to do with this next year. What do I want my year to look like, who do I want to become, what do I want to do with this next year, what are my goals?

Although, sometimes I wish there was a pause button to freeze time here and there, one thing that I do like about the new year is a fresh start! I am a very goal oriented person so I love making and setting goals for myself.

This year, I want to focus more on self care. If anything these past few years have taught me that I cannot pour from an empty cup. For me to be the Mom, Wife and Teacher I want to be, I need to take care of myself too.

Other goals I have include:

⭐ Working out 3x a week
⭐ Reading 2 books a month
⭐ Filling out my Flecks of Gold Journal of the special moments with my daughter
⭐ Gratitude/Devotional each morning to start my day
⭐ Mindfulness and being present in the moment

And I am sure I will have more to add to this list eventually! But I think this is a great start for now!

What are some of your goals for 2022?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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