January 17, 2022 Amanda

A Student’s Guide To Learning From Home

Practical Ways To Improve Learning From Home

A Student's Guide To Learning From Home

For many of us we are at a crossroads in our teaching. This crossroad comes in the form of how or where we are teaching right now.

Some of us are teaching virtually, some hybrid and some back in person. And we all know too well how quickly this can change on a dime and our worlds get flipped upside down overnight.  But one thing that is a common thread between all of these, is making sure our students are successful.

For parents and teachers alike, the thought of students being virtual or hybrid is a huge stressor right now.

Below are some useful tips that students can use in and outside the classroom to enhance their learning, wherever and however they are learning right now.

  • Set Your Space
    • Find an area in your house where you can sit comfortably and focus.
    • Make it separate to your relaxation space. Ideally away from a TV screen or other distractions.
  • Take Notes
    • Stuck in a webinar zoning out? Note-taking keeps your mind engaged.
      • I also tell my students that if you write it, you remember it. I am a big fan of pen and paper note taking.
  • Plan Your Day
    • If you have one, follow the schedule provided by your school.
    • If you just have a list of things to study, break it down into tasks and plan to do the hardest ones when you have the most energy.
  • Lessen Distractions
    • Harness your imagination and picture that you’re at school and not at home.
    • Lock your phone away if you need to – don’t be afraid to ask your parents to intervene.
      • I have a place for phones in my classroom, where students put them upon entering. Have them make a similar space at home.
  • Change It Up
    • You probably have a schedule for your lessons, but if things are becoming difficult to focus on, take a 5-min break and come back to it – just let your teacher know.
  • Take Breaks
    • Get up once in a while.
      • Stretch, go for a walk, get some fresh air, etc.
    • Have a snack and some water.
  • Speak Up & Ask For Help
    • When things get tough, don’t just push through it. Ask your parents, a peer or reach out to your teacher.
      • We are in a crazy time, and ALL of us are asking for help. There is no such thing as a dumb question!
  • Journal It
    • Use a journal to track your progress or any questions you might want to ask your teacher about the work.
      • Remember your teacher can’t help if we don’t know what you need. We are always more than happy to help!

I hope that you and your students can use some of these tips for learning from home or at school.

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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