January 31, 2022 Amanda

One Day At A Time

Teaching In 2022 & Giving Yourself Grace

One Day At A Time

As we round out the month of January 2022, for many of us it was an interesting start to the year teaching. Some of us went back in person, hybrid or virtual, at the flip of a switch. But, like always we handled it the best we could and the best we know how! Why? Teachers are ROCK STARS!

As teachers we are planners, thinkers, and doers! And for me I am HUGE on planning! So when my schedule or life gets interrupted…boy can it really throw me for a loop!

*Check out my TpT Store for any resources you may find helpful during this time too!

One thing that I have learned from these past few years is to just take it one.day.at.a.time.

Remember to give yourself grace during this time. If just showing up each day is enough for our students right now, the same goes for you too! None of us have ever taught in such an up and down time before and there are going to be some learning curves along the way everyone.

All we can do is show up each day with a smile on our face (on the screen or under our masks) for our students, because we have and always will be the one thing that remains consistent for most of them.

Do your best day in and day out. That does not mean perfection! That simply means being there each day with your students, learning and growing everyday together.

Take each day as it comes. I know this is easier said than done, but now is a time to truly go with the flow and give each other grace. There is no one right answer here to how we should be teaching, where we should be teaching and when we should be teaching. However, the one thing that I do know is that we should be supporting one another during this time.

I hope that during this time everyone is staying safe, healthy and working together. During this unpredictable time, we all need to be there for one another…Why? For our students! As educators and teachers the main reason we do what we do is because of them. So let’s be there for them and show them that it is all going to be okay!

THANK YOU to all the educators for all that you do on a daily basis! Know that you are doing an AMAZING job and we are so GRATEFUL for you!!!! You are ROCK STARS!!!

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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