April 18, 2022 Amanda

Should I Stay? Or Should I go?

Is Teaching Right For Me?

Should I Stay? Or Should I go? Is Teaching Right For Me?


That is the word I think of when I think of educators, teachers, administrators, etc.

You cannot be in education without being passionate. Passionate about learning, students, people, community, your school and so much more!

However, with everything that has been happening, many educators have been asking themselves this question over the past few years:

Should I stay? Or Should I go?

And honestly, I can’t blame them. What educators have gone through these past few years has been extremely hard. One minute educators were heroes who should be making a million dollars a year. To again being completely forgotten about and having unrealistic expectations put on them. The ever changing expectations, demands, lack of boundaries, etc. I think it is really burning out teachers and making them face these difficult choices.

I have known so many teachers to quit at the end of the year, some who quit in the middle of the year, or to retire early at any chance they got. The fact that most educators go into education for life, this is the career they chose until retirement, aren’t making it…speaks volumes!

The saddest part of this all is I truly feel teaching is a calling. It is so ingrained in us and in our hearts. For many of us, leaving is one of the hardest decisions we will or have ever made. (I remember wanting to become a teacher in elementary school!)

Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together. –Scott Hayden

In my case, I had to leave in the middle of the year. I have a family member who has health issues and they needed my full care at home. Do I miss teaching? ABSOLUTELY! It is what I dedicated my education and life to! To this day, I still feel like I let my students and families down by not being able to come back to my classroom. Teaching is not just a career for many of us, it is what we were made to do!

So, if you are in a similar situation, here is my advice to you: You have to do what is best for you and your family. You have to do what is best for you and you alone.

I remind myself each day that a job will ALWAYS be there for me. But what I am doing for my family right now is IMPORTANT and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

So, if you need to… take time to reflect. There is nothing wrong with doing what you need to do for either yourself or your family. Remember, you are never going to make everyone happy or please everyone. But the most important person that you need to make happy is YOU!

If you need any resources or ideas be sure to check out my previous blogs as well as my TpT Store to help you through the rest of this school year! You got this!

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!




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