July 11, 2022 Amanda

Flowers Need Time To Bloom…So Do You

Flowers Need Time To Bloom…So Do You

“Flowers need time to bloom… so do you.”


I LOVE this! Not sure who said it first, but this spoke to my teacher heart 💜.

Just as fall fades to winter, winter turns to spring and we start to see that glimmer of growth in the ground… we know that the arrival of spring is near. We also know that the plants and flowers need time to bloom.  Wait for it….

Just like our students!!!

Although it is still summer, I think this is a great reminder and perspective to have for this upcoming school year.

So this is just an early reminder that our students need time to grow and flourish in their learning too. Learning is a process, it is not a destination. It is something that is built upon each day, no matter where we are in our education. (You are never too old to learn something new!) Therefore, we need to give our students time to bloom!

I believe if we can remember this simple saying each day in our classes, we would meet each day with grace, compassion and understanding for our students in their educational journey. Giving them the time and the space to BLOOM is so amazing! Getting to experience this journey with them is just amazing!

I think this is what we all truly go into teaching for… having a helping hand in creating our future generations. Think of all the many lives we have touched as educators, isn’t that just amazing?

How many student lives have you touched over your years of teaching? (It should make you very proud.)

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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