September 12, 2022 Amanda

The Best Way To Start And End Class

Meaningful Classroom Routines

The Best Way To Start And End Class Meaningful Classroom Routines

Back to school is in full swing and for many of us! One Of the best things that we can do for our students is to create valuable and meaningful classroom routines. Students thrive with routine because it lets them know what is expected of them day in and day out.

One of the best practices that we can have for our students are daily routines when it comes to starting and ending class. Students thrive with a routine and when they know exactly what to do, as well as what is expected of them during class. This allows for you to have much smoother transitions during class time each day. Not only does it help them, but it helps you too!

I always like to start my class with a warm up. I like to use the Activité D’Échauffement. This can be used with multiple course levels. It is a great way to get the students thinking in French each day, as well as conversing after they finish it. I collect it weekly for class participation or class work points.

When it comes to ending class, I like to have the students complete the Billet de Sortir (This is on my TpT Store for FREE! 😃). This is a great way to review what happened in class that day or important information that students have already learned that you want them to work on. This is a great way to see who knows what at the end of each day, and it lets you know what went well, what didn’t and what you will need to clarify the next day or within the week. I collect this assignment daily, as well as weekly. At the end of the week I put in a grade for class work.

You can find both of these items for sale on my TpT Store and more!

What are some of your routines that you do with your students?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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