January 16, 2023 Amanda

Useful & Quick Teacher Tips

Things I wish I would have known sooner

Useful & Quick Teacher Tips

Today, I am going to keep it short and sweet!

Here is a list of items that as a teacher I wish a knew a lot sooner:

  • Don’t grade everything.
  • Let students know what’s going on.
  • Explain procedures and expectations.
  • How you treat students matters.
  • You don’t know every kid’s home life.
  • Keep your sense of humor.
  • Socializing with colleagues is good for you.
  • Greet students at the door.
  • Have a clear warm-up and end routine for class.
  • Prepare a supply area.
  • Make an easy bathroom, locker and water fountain plan.
  • Use dry erase boards at student desks.
  • Post a daily plan.
  • Keep students on their toes.
  • Use a timer.
  • Plan for the technology distractions.
  • Get students moving.
  • Get to know the school staff not just teachers (office staff, custodians, kitchen staff, etc.) they keep the school running too! And are an intricate part of the school.

One of the most wonderful things that a former principal had said to us at a staff meeting, was that she always hired people “who smiled, who were kind and who were smart.” Those three things were key to being a successful teacher and that she knew she hired the right people.

What was something you wish you would have known sooner as a teacher?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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