January 23, 2023 Amanda

Tips For Creating The Perfect Class Routine

New Year, New Semester, Fresh Start

Tips For Creating The Perfect Class Routine New Year, New Semester, Fresh Start

With the start of a fresh year and fresh semester, now is the perfect time to set up or review your class routine.

At the start of the new semester, I always review my syllabus with students, course rules, expectations, etc. It is a good refresher for everyone, as some of our friends tend to forget what it is like to be in a classroom over any break we may have.

One of the reasons I go over the syllabus is to remind students what we have left to cover, where we are going and what assignments, tests, final, etc. are worth. This helps them to better understand what they need to accomplish to achieve the grade that they want or what they need to do in order to pass.

I also review the following class procedures with students:

*Please make sure that any policy aligns with your schools policies.

What rules, procedures and/or expectations do you always have to review with students?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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