May 8, 2023 Amanda

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week 2023!

Great teachers empathize with kids, respect them, and believe that each one has something special that can be built upon.

~Ann Lieberman

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all the AMAZING, HARD WORKING and SELFLESS teachers out there!

These past few years teaching have been like no other and to say if it has been difficult is an understatement. However, day in and day out YOU continue to show up for your students! (And trust me, they notice!)

Thank you so much for all that you do on a daily basis, even the little things that go unnoticed: giving advice, giving food to students , being an ear for them to talk to you, helping them find lost items, fixing issues, devices, and more!

The way that you show up each day with a smile on your face…even on the hard days.

The way you show up each day for your fellow teachers…cheering each other on.

The way you show up each day for your students…always being there for them.

The way you do your job each day… because it truly is calling. We honestly couldn’t do what we do if it wasn’t who we are.


I know one week of appreciation is NOT enough, trust me I know! (And what we really want we don;t get…..)

But we are so grateful to have so many amazing teachers in this world helping to grow and nourish young minds. Telling our students that they can be anything they want and to chase their dreams! Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for it says “I’M POSSIBLE”!

So start each day with the same encouragement and excitement that we give our students…You deserve to feel that way too!

And as a special thank you, I am happy to be joining in on the Teachers Pay Teachers Appreciation Sale in my Allô Mes Amis Store happening May 9-10,2023. Everything is 25% off including bundles with code THANKYOU23! Treat yourself to something that you have had your eye on or something that will make your life a little easier! You deserve it!

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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