July 3, 2023 Amanda

Red, White & Blue-tiful

Happy Fourth Of July!

Red, White & Blue-tiful Happy Fourth Of July!

❤️🤍💙 Happy Independence Day mes amis! ❤️🤍💙

Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.

~Albert Camus

As we celebrate the birth of American Independence today, I think it is a great time to reflect. I think birthdays, big and small, are a great time to look back on who we are, where we have come from and where we want to go.

I think Albert Camus quote states this best. Freedom gives us the opportunity to do better and be better.

Also, there is nothing like a good Hamilton quote! One of my favorite lines from the musical is:

“I’m just like my country —I’m young, scrappy, and hungry, and I am not throwing away my shot.”

~ Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton

I think if anything on this day we can all be a little young, scrappy, and hungry and go after what we want! Don’t let anything get in our way of throwing away our shot!

What do you want to do better or accomplish this year?

As always, I hope you find the resources and advice helpful to you! 💜


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