July 24, 2023 Amanda

Teachers and Summer: Lesson Planning & A Little Self-Care

Teachers and Summer: Lesson Planning and a Little Self-Care

Kick back and relax this summer, and be sure to make time for yourself as you gear up for the coming school year.

Are you a teacher who is wondering how to productively spend your summer vacation?

Here are some tips for balancing on how to accomplish what you want to do this summer.

Yes, I know we all think of the summer as a way to get ahead, create new resources or work on our curriculum for the new school year, which is great… but please remember to take care of YOURSELF too!

Not only do your students need a wonderful curriculum, lessons and activities to come back to in the fall, but they also need a restful and refreshed TEACHER! Especially after this past year, I know it has not only taken a toll on myself but many of you. So do not feel guilty for saying “no” to things or truly taking time for you.

Summer vacation, which always seems to fly by so make sure you do take the time to do the things you love! Go for walks, to the pool or read all those books that are piling up! You DESERVE it! And to those of you out there teaching summer school and providing extra support for our students this summer, MERCI BEAUCOUP! We appreciate you and we see you!

So take some time here and there to plan, create and find some new ideas for the upcoming school year. Check out my TPT store for some great back to school review activities as well as classroom management ideas to help you kick off the school year!

As always, I hope you find the resources and advice helpful to you!



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