November 20, 2023 Amanda

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Reflecting On This Past Year

Thankful Grateful Blessed - Reflecting On This Past Year

Can you believe 2023 is almost over? I don’t know where this year went, but it sure did go fast.

When it comes to this time of year, I always like to start reflecting about the past year and where I see myself in the upcoming year. I like to reflect upon – what went well, where I can improve and what I want to add or remove for next year. The older I get the more I realize that if it does not add value to my life or my family…time to move on! (Yes, this goes for not only routines, things but people too.)

I think it is always a good idea to check in with ourselves to make sure we are not only fulfilling the many roles we play, but that we are reminded to fulfill our cup too.

As a mama, wife and educator the days can become chaotic and short pretty quickly! There never seems like there are enough hours in the day to get it all done. However, we were not made to do it all.

Next year, I want to add:

  • More self-care
  • Read more
  • Journal daily – for gratitude & memories
  • Meal plan weekly – to know what we are eating and to only buy what we need when grocery shopping
  • Weekly schedule – to keep myself and my family on track of tasks, chores, school events, etc.

Next year, I want to remove:

  • Less scrolling on my phone – social media
  • Wasting time on things that don’t matter – mentally & physically

What are some things you would like to add to your plate next year?

What are some things you want to remove from your plate next year?

Wishing you all a HAPPY and HEALTHY Thanksgiving holiday!

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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