January 8, 2024 Amanda

How To Start The New Semester Off Right

Review Classroom Rules, Procedures & Expectations

How To Start The New Semester Off Right

With the start of the new year and fresh semester, I always think now is the perfect time to set up and review your class routine  with students from the previous semester or if you have a new course with a new group of students.

Now that most of us are back or starting back this week now is a great time to review the syllabus with students, course rules, expectations, etc. It is a good refresher for everyone, as some of our friends tend to forget what it is like to be in a classroom after not being in one for a week or two.

One of the reasons I go over the syllabus is to remind students what we have left to cover, where we are going and what assignments, tests, final, etc. are worth. This helps them to better understand what they need to accomplish to achieve the grade that they want or what they need to do in order to pass. I always like to send out a refresher to parents/guardians to via email or through our classroom portal just to keep everyone on the same page. That way everyone is aware of expectations and class content for the remainder of the school year.

I also review the following class procedures with students:

*Please make sure that any policy aligns with your schools policies.

What rules, procedures and/or expectations do you always have to review with students?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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