June 17, 2024 Amanda

How To Get Your Classroom Ready For Summer

Things I do as a teacher at the end of the school year

How To Get Your Classroom Ready For Summer

Ya’ll…. we did it! We are so close to the finish line! Summer break is in sight!

For those of us still teaching…⁠ (those of you already on summer break, just…ENJOY! 🥂 you deserve it!) ⁠ ⁠


We are finally in the final stretch of the school year and although there is much excitement and to do before we all leave for the summer it is always a good idea to make the most of the end of the school year and to make it meaningful for everyone.

Here are the things that I like to do at the end of the school year to not only wind down but to tie up any loose ends and to set myself up for the start of the next school year. I know, I know…it sounds crazy to do, BUT trust me! The beginning of the school year is always hectic so it is nice to get done what you can, especially for the things you know you will need and use.

Have some Fun… But keep your classroom structure until the very end.

    1. It is a good idea to fill in some fun activities with still your normal structured classroom agenda. If students realize that you are winding down, their behavior and attitude will go right along with it and that will make the end of the school year that much harder. The last few weeks of school can still be very useful and you can still have learning occur.I recommend keeping your routines and program in place as much as possible. It also keeps students focused and settled until that final bell because really, that final bell IS the end of the year! (Don’t worry about what other teachers are doing…just do your thing because the students will pull the card of “Well, Mr. …. Isn’t teaching anymore why are you?).
    2. Want a fun and different way to use Musique Mercredi in class? Turn it into a lip sync competition! Have students pick their favorite french songs from the year and have a battle! It is A LOT of fun! Plus they are learning and using the language “without” knowing it.

“Sprinkle in some breaks and fun activities but don’t throw your routine out the window. Make sure your instruction time is still valuable and relevant, even if things are a little looser towards the end.”

~Christy from Exceptional Thinkers

FYI- Another quick tip, keeping routines in place extends to your classroom as well too. Make sure to keep your classroom the same as much as possible by leaving posters up, materials and bins in the same places. Even with keeping all of your  usual routines the same, that visible change will signal to the students that the end of the year is near.  And that can be a HUGE disaster.! So keep things up, add new end of the year activities to the classroom walls or bulletin board, and keep the students thinking that it is business as usual.

Organize, Organize, Organize…. Bins & Labels 

    1. There is no better time than the end of the school year when you have to pack up and put things away than to organize! It is the best time to finally put everything where you want it and to have a system for yourself and students. If you don’t have a system yet, now is the perfect time to get one going. You can get any type of bins that are clear and stack-able. This makes it easier to see and label what you have.
    2. This is a great way to get students involved! They love to help!
      1. Have them help sorting materials, books, papers, etc.
      2. Test the pens and markers.
      3. Organize books, shelves, etc.
      4. Clean desks, shelves, etc.

Get a Jump Start On Next Year

    1. Get ready for the next year by making copies of what you know you will want and use at the beginning of next year. Make sure these items are visible so you see them right away when you return.
    2. Somethings that I like to get ready ahead of time are:
      1. Questions Pour Les Premiers Jours
      2. Bio-Poème
      3. Syllabi for the levels I will be teaching.
      4. Planning the first 10 days of school.
      5. Review Games
      6. Classroom Management Resources

Gather Feedback from Students

    1. I know the last thing you want is some hormonal teenager giving you feedback about your teaching/career. But it is one of the best things I have ever done. It is a great way to reflect on my teaching from the students perspective who spent all their days with me as opposed to my observations from my administrator who only truly sees a snippet of what we do. (Yes, I appreciate their feedback, but to me hearing from my students matters most.)
    2. Create a feedback form that is useful to you and your students. Ask them what you truly want to know, even if it may be hard to hear. You can only get better and grow as an educator if you know what you need to improve on.
    3. When creating course evaluations, we can create questions that increase the likelihood we will receive useful feedback. For instance, instead of What was the most frustrating part of this class?, we can ask, What challenged your thinking most in this class?
    4. When I give a survey I want students to think, to reflect, and to be aware of the way they chose to approach learning in my class throughout the year. This not only helps them reflect on their learning but allows me to reflect on how I teach my students.

What are some of the things that you do at the end of each school year?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you! 💜



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