June 24, 2024 Amanda

Teachers & Summer: It’s Time For You!

Making the most of your summer vacation

Teachers & Summer: It’s Time For You!

Summer always seems to fly by for us teachers! So for those of you already on summer vacation and to those of you who are still winding down the school year, please remember to take time for yourself!

(SHOUT OUT to those of you teaching summer school this year, we ALL thank you for doing so! It definitely is something that does not go unnoticed and everyone appreciates you for it.)

I know we all think of the summer as a way to get ahead, create new resources or work on our curriculum for the new school year, which is great…

But please remember to take care of YOU too!

Not only do your students need a wonderful curriculum, lessons and activities to come back to, but they also need YOU! Ready and refreshed for the new year.

These past few years of teaching have been really hard and it is okay to do absolutely nothing this summer but rest and do things for you and your families! One thing that I have learned is that my summers are for me. I do enough during the school year that I do not need to say yes to do things for school over the summer. It took me some time but I finally realized it is OK to say NO.

So take some time here and there to plan, create and share what you got. But take some time for yourself too. Go for walks, to the pool or read all those books that are piling up! You DESERVE it!

As always, I hope you find the resources and advice helpful to you!



*Check out my TPT store for some great back to school review activities 😊

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