August 5, 2024 Amanda

Everything You Need To Know About Back To School & What It Means For Teachers

What Every Teacher Will Be Doing To Prepare For The New School Year

Everything You Need To Know About Back To School & What It Means For Teachers



Why?!? …do summers always seem to go by way too fast!

If you are anything like me, I feel like I just walked out those classroom doors for summer vacation! But I digress….

For some of us, back to school starts in a few weeks and for some of us, (Hello my teacher friends in the south 😉) have been back in the classroom for a few weeks. Either way, I know that we all are on the same page when it comes to the start of a new school year and the many things we have on our never ending to do lists.

We will all be planning out lessons, trying to get to know our students, set up our classroom rules and procedures, review with our students to see what content they have mastered already and on top of that, all the other pesky business that comes with the start of a new school year.

If you are looking for classroom management resources, fun review activities for your students or other resources, check out my TPT Store!

Starting tomorrow, my entire TPT Store will be 25% off with code BTS24 (August 6-7, 2024)! So get your wishlist’s ready mes amis!

I have so many useful resources that I use in my classroom all the time. And let me tell you these resources are tried and true! They really work in a variety of classrooms! (Let’s just say I did the hard work for you and… you’re welcome 😁)

As a teacher I can’t even tell you how many resources I went through over the years to find ones that really work for myself and my students. 😳

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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