September 3, 2024 Amanda

Tips for Starting Off the New School Year Right

Routines, Procedures & More!

Tips for Starting Off the New School Year Right

One of the biggest things for me when it comes time to go back to school, is creating routines for myself and my students.

I think that when it comes to having classroom routines, it makes everyone’s lives easier because everyone knows what is expected.

Below I will talk about what and how I use certain routines and procedures in my classroom.

Teacher Routines

Before school starts:

  • Turn on all the lamps, and lights. ( I don’t use the overhead lights in my classroom they are too bright.)
  • Turn on my computer and smart-board, putting the agenda/warm-up on the screen for the students.
  • Organize any items, make sure I have everything I need out for the day.


  • Plan for the next day and know what I am doing.
  • Make copies or get resources that I need for classes.
  • Check mailbox and run any errands around the school if needed.

After school:

  • Set up classroom for the next day.
  • Prepare and set out any activities, resources, etc. for the next day.
  • Change date, agenda, etc. on whiteboard to reflect the next day.
  • Check the bin for missing work slips and other forms.
  • Place any worksheets for students in the absentee folders for that day. (Each class/period has their own folder.)
  • Refill student cart of supplies if needed (paper, pencils, pens, etc.)
  • Wipe down most used surfaces, desks, tables, etc. (If you don’t want to I have found that my last period class loves to help!)

Student Routines

Beginning of class:

  • Students come in and place cellphones in the cellphone chart. I use this cellphone policy with my students.
  • Come in and start the warm-up activity. (I take attendance while they complete this task.)

End of class:

  • Last 5 minutes of class, students complete the Billet de Sortir (Ticket out the Door) and ask me any questions or concerns they may have.
  • As students complete the Billet de Sortir, once done they may go and get their cellphones. (I do it this way so that they all are not rushing out the door and trying to grab their phones.)

Student responsibilities:

  • If a student has a missing assignment they are responsible for completing the Missing Work Slip.
  • If a student wants/needs to retake an assessment they are responsible for completing the Request To Retest.
  • Student is responsible for checking the absentee folder upon their return to class.
  • Student is also encouraged to schedule help sessions as needed, sometimes teacher encouraged.

During the first two weeks of school I really hit hard on the routines, procedures and rules of the classroom. This makes the rest of the semester and year go smoothly. I also review the routines, procedures and rules at the start of a new semester too. I believe that really practicing the routines and procedures during the first two weeks, by the third week or so students will be doing all of it on their own without guidance.

Note: When it comes to routines, procedures and rules in my classroom every student is held accountable to the same standard, no matter what and they know this. My students know that everyone is treated the same and fairly, I feel this helps keep the class rapport high and our classroom engagements in a healthy place. (Because we all know that there are teachers that treat students differently and let me tell you…they NOTICE.)

What routines and procedures do you use in your classroom that you couldn’t do without?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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