August 15, 2024 Amanda

Tips For The First Day Of School

Tips For The First Day Of School

Welcome Back Mes Amis!

Here we are! Another school year is just around the corner.

I am sure just like our students we have all the feelings about going back to school such as excitement, nervousness, anxiousness, happiness, etc.

You may not feel ready, prepared or rested, but YOU ARE READY! It’s just those nervous first day jitters!


As teachers we always feel like we didn’t do enough to prepare or we should have spent a little more time on this or that…  and the list goes on and on. But that’s OK! Each day is an opportunity to grow. Remember our summers are a time for us to recharge and refresh so that when we got back to school we are at our best.

I bet the moment you start teaching your first lesson or step foot in your classroom, you will get right back into the swing of things.

Here are 10 back to school tips for the first day:

1. Greet Every Student Warmly

On the first day, I really like to be standing at my door greeting each student as they enter. This makes for such a positive start to the day and lets students know that you are so excited and happy to have them in your class this year! This creates a welcoming class culture and community.

2. Use a Seating Chart

I know, I know… a seating chart on the first day? YES! Here is why. Using a seating chart will help you significantly when it comes to learning your students’ names. In the first days of school it is a great way to get to put a face with the name and the quicker you know your students names it creates stability in the classroom with will allow for better order and structure and gives the students a sense of belonging. It also shows that you care about them and want to know them.

3. Save the Rules for the Second Day

Do not do anything with rules or procedures on the first day. I repeat, do not do anything with rules or procedures on the first day! It is too much for students and you. Just keep the day simple with getting to know each other and acclimated to the classroom.

4. Share Something About Yourself

On the first day of school I like to do a presentation about myself. This is a fun way for you to introduce yourself to students so that they can get to know you a little better and realized you have a life outside of school! Prepare a short biographical talk that includes some fun and interesting facts about yourself. I do this by using a PowerPoint with information about where I grew up, my hobbies, favorite books and movies, my family, my birthday, favorite candies and any interesting travel experiences.  I also use photos in my introduction which makes it more engaging and memorable.

5. Post the Daily Schedule

Students’ are already so nervous about the first day, that I feel it helps them to see the schedule visually while in class. On the board I simply write out the days schedule on the board. That way everyone can see what is next during the day. I feel that it eases their nerves a bit knowing what the day looks like. I do this for the first week of school.

6. Explain the Space

Show students around the classroom. I show students where they can find books, dictionaries, pens, paper, and any other resources that are available to them. This allows students to feel comfortable in the space as well as knowing they have resources to use at any time, no questions asked.

7. Find a Good Ice-Breaking Activity

Starting the school year with an ice-breaking activity is an easy way to get to know each other on the first day of school. I like to use my Rencontres Jeu. This is a fun way to connect with students (Yes, I play with them) and have students connect with each other by really creating a sense of community in the classroom.  can significantly help in easing the initial tension and awkwardness that students might feel on the first day.

8. Identify Any Student Needs

Understanding your students’ individual needs as early as possible is a great way to not only build rapport with them but to create an inclusive and supportive classroom environment. On the first day, make it a priority to gather information about any special needs or accommodations that your students may require. This includes not only physical needs, such as hearing or vision impairments, but also learning disabilities, medical conditions, or any other unique requirements.

I simply do this with my students by giving them a confidential questionnaire for students to fill out. I use my Questions Pour Les Premiers Jours for this. I tell my students that this is only for me and is used for me to get to know them and to meet any needs, questions or concerns they may have.

9. Expect the Unexpected

Need I say more…. We all know to well that nothing goes as planned when it comes to teaching. So be ready for those new students who seem to appear daily. The wonderful world of technology and all the difficulties it is going to bring with no warning. The lovely unexpected behavior issues where the student likes to test us or others, just because. The I don’t have a pencil or any other supplies they may have forgotten. But remember to go with the flow. Accept new students with the same welcome you did on the first day. Have a back up plan for technology activities or lessons. Be kind and patient with students when it comes to behavoir, we never know what a student may be going through. And keep a supply section in your class for extra supplies, that way students can just grab what they need when they need it without feeling left out or uncomfortable asking.

10. Plan the Second Day, Third Day, etc.

As teachers we often spend so much tune making sure the first day of school run smoothly but make sure you do that for the next few days or even the first week.

Here are some my go to activities for the first week or so in the Back To School Bundle.

So take a breath and enjoy a wonderful first day back to school! #bonnerentrée

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



PS- If you are still looking for some wonderful resources to start off the school year, get to know your students, or review, head on over to my TPT Store!

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