January 21, 2025 Amanda

Teacher Tips & Tricks

Teacher Tips & Tricks

One of the most wonderful things that a former principal had said to us at a staff meeting, was:

“I hired people who smiled, who were kind and who were smart.”

Those three things were key to being a successful teacher and this is how she knew she hired the right people.

Teaching is one of the most rewarding and demanding jobs out there! As a new or veteran teacher here are some things that I either wish I knew or implemented sooner. Remember each year as a teacher you will grow and adapt too just like your students. That is one thing that I love about teaching, no day is ever the same! Our students are full of surprises!

Here is a list of items that as a teacher I wish a knew a lot sooner:

  1. Don’t grade everything. But make sure your students think you will!
  2. Let students know what’s going on.
  3. Explain procedures and expectations.
  4. How you treat students matters.
  5. You don’t know every kid’s home life.
  6. Keep your sense of humor.
  7. Socializing with colleagues is good for you.
  8. Greet students at the door. You would be surprised what a difference this makes!
  9. Have a clear warm-up and end routine for class.
  10. Prepare a supply area. This way students can just take what they need when they need it. It is an easy way to set your students up for success.
  11. Make an easy bathroom, locker and water fountain plan. If not they will constantly distract you asking these types of questions.
  12. Use dry erase boards at student desks. This is an easy and fun way to check in on student comprehension. (Easy way to make a white board is a white sheet of paper in a clear paper sleeve. I know thank me later!)
  13. Post a daily plan. Show students what is on the agenda for the day so they know what to expect.
  14. Keep students on their toes. Keep things moving in class, transition time should be minimal.
  15. Use a timer. You would be surprised how quickly time goes as well as keeping your students on task!
  16. Plan for the technology distractions. Because it is not if they happen but when…
  17. Get students moving. YES!  Even in middle school and high school.
  18. Get to know the school staff not just teachers (office staff, custodians, kitchen staff, etc.) they keep the school running too! And are an intricate part of the school.

What was something you wish you would have known sooner as a teacher?

As always, I hope that you have found this information useful and helpful to you!



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